Graphic Design | Branding

Designed Youtube thumbnails for Channel A Youtube Channel, which have been used in more than 3000+ videos for 2.06+ million subscribers.

Youtube Channel ↗
3 Months (April 2022 - August 2022)
Solo designer worked in a team of 5, including  journalists and video editors
Figma, Adobe Photoshop
Branding, Graphic Design, Pitching


A new thumbnail increase the number of views

This project is a redesign of the YouTube thumbnail templates for Channel A News→, which currently has 2.37 million subscribers (10.2023).

The templates have been used since July 2022 and applied for approximately 30 videos per day.

Visual Language

Uniformity for Brand Identity

The existing templates did not have a uniform design system, as each video had a different editor. My job was to create a design system to strengthen the brand identity. I differentiated each genre by color and established a specific composition for live videos.

To achieve modernity, I decreased the size of the label on the left-top side while making it distinctive by color contrast. Resizing also enhanced editing efficiency as editors could use more image space.

Thinking the target

Inclusive and YouTube-specialized Design

I aimed to create an inclusive design, considering the main target ranges from 50 to 70 years old.

Upsizing the font height was necessary for exact delivery and a method to catch the audience’s attention. Also, I continued the existing style to lessen the sense of difference.


3,000+ videos

Channel A News YouTube has used the templates since July 2022. More than 4,000 videos utilized the style, showing the applicability of the design.