Interactive Article | UI Design

Brainstorm and ideate interactive features for Sanhwa, a report about firefighters in South Korea. The project won the Innovative Journalism Award at one of Korea's most significant journalism awards.

Article Page (Korean)↗
2 Months (July 2022 - August 2022)
Lead designer worked in a team of 12, including journalists and developers
Reality Capture, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Protopie, Maya
Brainstorm, Writing, Wireframe, Prototype, UI Design

They were my family

Building empathy

<They were my family> reports mementos of sacrificed firefighters with related stories interviewed by their families. Our main goal was to create a space where readers could take time to look at each item, read the story, and eventually empathize with interviewees.

The main problem was the number of items—we collected more than 30 cases and needed to present individual items in-detail while maintaining the reader’s concentration.

As a designer, I solved this problem with design aspects:

1. Conveying emotion through background and font color
2. Providing clear categorizationStructuring the bottom indicator (of the item list) to let readers explore the article easily
3. Displaying each photo at once to show items effectively
4. Setting two kinds of layouts — grid view and list view

I overlay the story description on the top of the corresponding photos to ensure that the stories are related to the photos.

Title of <They were my family>
<They were my family>: episode with a memento

The moment you press 911

Conveying messages with numbers and sounds

<When You Press 911> explains the facts and reality of firefighters to show their work. Thus, the article had to contain an informative yet emotional tone.

To make the content seem more factual, our team decided to use the voices of firefighters from the interview inside the article.

I muted the sound as default, considering the user experience aspect; readers can turn it off/on by clicking the button on the bottom left.

Our team explained the life of firefighters using the number and divided the story into three episodes: 2.6 Seconds, 25 kg, and 107 people — through this division, each episode's interactive theme became much straight-forward.I overlayed the story description on the top of the corresponding photos to ensure that the stories are related to the photos.

An interactive device using matter.js to visualize time
Visualization of the interview with text

Chapter division

For <The Moment You Press 911>, I designed a shared introduction and footer to show that episodes are parts of one series.As voice takes one of the most crucial roles in the article’s interactivity, I inserted the sound button.

Presented the intro as both a title section and chapter selection

2.6 Seconds, 25kg, and 107 People

Every 2.6 seconds, 911 report reception happens. Our team decided to dropp the red ball (repreenting reports) every 2.6 and showed it at the very end of the page to visually deliever how short 2.6 seconds is.

The demonstration of firetruck moving out makes readers spend some time on the page. And since the video might be ambiguous to indicate the process, I designed to highlight each truck that description explains.

Intro section of ' 26 Seconds, The Moment of Life'

25kg, 'Weight of Responsibility'

25kg is the weight that each firefighter has to bring—our team discussed that visualization and comparison with daily items could dramatically convey the content.

I used photogrametry method to show clothes and tools in detail. Rotating the model displays each tools closely, and it provides interactive element to make user engage.

Used photogrammetry to create a fire fighter's cloth

107, 'Number of Survivors'

107 is the number of sacrificed firefighters.For impactive portryal, I decided to visually compare it to the number of people that firefighters saved.

Used animation responding to the scroll

Final Notes

Overall Lesson

It took a lot of work to develop different content from the paper news, but this trial suggested what only an interactive article can do.

Collaborating with Journalists

Working with journalists felt unique because the work request was opposite from the ordinary style. Our team asked journalists what to interview since we decided what content to make. I felt the necessity of a solid timeline and brainstorming.

Hardships and Next Steps

Due to the short timeline, I had to consult my ideals with realities. I originally planned to use a walking animation of people in the background but ended up using SVG instead.

For the next stage, I could:

-Utilization of 3D modeling
-Create a solid introduction, probably a landing page

Extra Note

I wrote a reflective article after designing the project, and it is published on the website:
Reflection Article (KR) →

The website might take a few seconds to load 3D objects.